Wednesday 7 September 2016

English Language Teaching

Imperative Sentence -  शिक्षा, अनुमति आदेश, प्रार्थना, निषेध प्रस्ताव सुझाव आदि का भाव जिन वक्यो से बताया जाता है उन्हें Imperative Sentence कहते है

(i) जैसे तुम्हारा काम करो  (आदेश) = Order
(ii) कृपया मेरी मदद करो   (प्रार्थना) =   Request
(iii) उनको आने दो         (अनुमति) =  Permission
(iv)चलो हमें खेलते है      (प्रस्ताव) =    Proposal
(v) मेरी पुस्तक मत पढ़ो    (निषेध) =   Prohibition

 पहचान :- Imperative Sentence  में Subject नहीं होता है

Note :-   Object 2 प्रकार के होते है

(i)  सजीव Object  (मानव)
(ii)  निर्जीव Object  (वस्तु)

Note :-   वाक्य बनाते समय सुविधा के हिसाब से सजीव Object को पहले तथा निर्जीव Object को बाद में लिखना चाहिए
मुझे तुम्हारी पुस्तक दो  = Give me  your book.

Imperative Sentence  में प्रारम्भ में निम्न शब्द आते है

(i) Vi From से  =       Vi + object + -------
(ii) Don't से  =          Don't +  Vi +  Object + ---
(iii) Let से =           Let + object + Vi + Object + --------
(iv) Please / Kindly  से  =   Please + vi + object + ---------

For Example :-    उसे पुकारो   = Call him

मुझे तुम्हारी पुस्तक मत दो   =  Don't give me your book.
चलो हम क्रिकट खेलते है     =  Let us play cricket.
कृपया मुझे तुम्हारा पेन दे दो  = Please give me your pen.

Imperative sentence  बनाना चार प्रक़र से बनाये जाते है

(I)  Vi st Form से  = Vi + object + ---

मेरी पुस्तक दे दो  = Give my book.
उनको तुम्हारा पेन दे दो  = Give them your pen.
हमारा बैग लॉओ = Bring my bag.

(ii) Don't + Vi st from से  =  Don't + Vi st + Object + ----

उनको मेरा नाम मत बताओ = Don't tall them my name.
उनको मेरा खाना मत दो  = Don't give them my food.
मेरा बैग मत लाओ =  Don't bring my bag.

(iii) Let से  =  Let + Object +  Vi st + Object + ---

Note :- यदि Let के साथ US  का प्रयोग करते है तो प्रस्ताव का भाव व्यक्त होता है !

चलो हम एक कप चाय बनाते है  = Let us make a cup of tea.
 चलो हम मोहन को हमारी पुस्तक देते है  =  Let us give Mohan our book.

Note :-  यदि Let के साथ Us को छोड़कर अन्य Object का प्रयोग करते है तो अनुमति का भाव व्यक्त होता है

चलो हम उनको देखते है = Let us see them.
उसको मेरा खाना खाने दो = Let him eat my food.
उसको मेरा खाना खाने दो  =  Let him eat my food.

Note :-  यदि निर्जीव Object को पहले लिखते है तो सजीव Object के पहले To लगाना चाहिए !

For Example :- मुझे तुम्हारी पुस्तक दे दो  = Give your book to me.
मुझे मेरी पुस्तक उनको देने दो  = Let me give them my book.

(v) Please / Kindly से  =  Please + Vi + Object + ----

कृपया उसको पुकारो  = Please call him.

To infinitive verb : -  To के साथ Verb की फर्स्ट फॉर्म का प्रियोग करते है जिसे To informative के नाम से जाना जाता है

For Example :-  To Play - खेलने /खेलने के लिए
                         To Eat -  खाने / खाने के लिए

Note :- To infinitive Verb का प्रयोग उद्देश्य बताने हेतू करते है इसके आवश्यकता अनुसार H.V. या ऑब्जेक्ट के बाद लिखना चाहिए !

Example :- उनको खेलने के लिए पुकरो  =  Call them to play
उनको क्रिकेट खेलने के लिए आने दो =  Let them come to play cricket.
उसको पढने के लिए मेरी पुस्तक मत दो :-  Don't give him my book to ride.

Let का अर्थ - अनुमति देना/  लेना होता है
Let  चलो / आओ - –   ने - दो

चलो हम उसको पढने के लिए तुम्हारी पुस्तक देते है  =  Let us give him your book to read.
मुझे लिखने के लिए आप का पेन दे दो =  Give me your pen to write.

चलो-  Let + object + Vi + object + -----
मत-  Don't +  Vi + Object + ----
कृपया - Please + Vi + Object ---

राधा को खाने के लिए खाना पकाने दो =  Let Radha cook food to eat.
मेरे भाई को पुस्तक खरीदने के लिए बाजार जाने दो  =  Let my brother go to market by book.
उनको खेलने के लिए मेरा बेट मत दो  =  Don't give them my bat to play.
चलो हम मोहन क्रिकेट खेलने के लिए पुकारते है  =  Let us call Mohan to play cricket.
कृपया हमको खाने के लिए आपका फल दे दो =  Please give us your fruit to eat.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

American Tourister Showroom in Mumbai

American Tourister is a trustworthy Bag manufacture company in the world. The company founded in 1933. The company makes all type of Bags for customer such as suitcase, office bag, school bag, laptop bags, small bags, cabin bags, traveling bags, legacy wallet and many more. Are you living in Mumbai and you are going to purchase a new American Tourister bag. Therefore you are looking an authorized showroom of American Tourister in Mumbai city. Here we provide a list outlets includes address, phone number and email through the SAGMart that is an information portal. SAGMart provides an easy way to find American Tourister dealership's details according your need.  

American Tourister Showroom Information in Mumbai, Maharashtra

We have listed information like showroom address, phone number, customer email id, working timings and showroom location.

American Tourister Dealers in Mumbai

If you are interested in buying and American Tourister, you can contact American Showroom centers in Mumbai using the below contact information and buy your favourite Bags.

List of American Tourister Dealers & Showroom in Mumbai.

Thursday 17 September 2015

American Tourister Showroom Information in Mumbai

If you are interested in buying any American Bag, you can contact American Tourister Showroom in Mumbai using the below contact information at SAGMart.

List of American Tourister Showroom in Mumbai click here. 

Tuesday 15 September 2015

American Tourister Authorized Showroom in India

SAGMart is an information portal website in India, which provides best information about Car, Bikes, Mobile, Jewelry, Electronics and many more. The portal is one of the most popular top companies which gives Name and Address of service center, showroom and store etc. You can locate 603 American Tourister showrooms across India. Just few clicks for correct information about the showrooms. 

You can get the full details of American Tourister showrooms address and contact numbers provides by us. The American Tourister company provides the bag showroom for customer support in India. Choose your nearest Showroom Address, Email ID and contact number details. It provides an easy way to locate American Tourister Showroom in India. Visit the SAGMart information portal and find the complete vital information like addresses and phone number.

Saturday 12 September 2015

American Tourister Showroom in India

American Tourister Showroom in India, Contact Number 

American Tourister is one of the most popular multinational suitcase brands. American Tourister was founded in the year 1933. The company offers sales & service for products like suitcase, Cabin Bags, Laptop Bags, Attaches, Small Bags, School Bags, Travelling Bags, Office Bags and all types of bag accessories. It's provide an easy way to locate American Tourister Showroom for contact information like Email ID, Address, Telephone Number for American Tourister Showroom in India. You can find the full details of American Tourister Showroom at SAGMart.

Thank you more information visit